24岁的Tyrell Smith 被引渡到南卡罗来纳州 面对Da'tawn Gatling死亡的谋杀罪指控 Tyrell Smith, 24, has been extradited to South Carolina to face murder charges for Da'tawn Gatling's death.
24岁的Tyrell Smith被引渡到南卡罗来纳州 面临谋杀指控 26岁的卫生工作者Da'tawn Gatling死亡 Tyrell Smith, 24, has been extradited to South Carolina to face murder charges for the death of 26-year-old sanitation worker Da'tawn Gatling. Smith在7月18日发生枪击事件后逃离纽约,于8月1日在纽约被捕,当时Gatling在路上。 Smith was arrested in New York on August 1 after fleeing the state following the July 18 shooting, which occurred while Gatling was on his route. 他面临谋杀、在暴力犯罪期间持有武器以及二级家庭暴力等指控。 He faces charges of murder, possession of a weapon during a violent crime, and second-degree domestic violence. Smith放弃其初步保释听证会,目前被拘留。 Smith waived his preliminary bond hearing and is currently detained.