Tulsa市议会批准为Agile空间工业火箭发动机测试设施拨款20M美元。 Tulsa City Council approves $20M for Agile Space Industries' rocket engine testing facility.
图尔萨市议会已经批准了2 000万美元的税收基金,用于Agile空间工业公司在图尔萨机场附近建造火箭发动机测试设施。 The Tulsa City Council has approved $20 million in tax funds for Agile Space Industries to build a rocket engine testing facility near Tulsa Airport. 该项目旨在将图尔萨定位在不断增长的空间工业中,支持月球着陆器和军事应用。 This project aims to position Tulsa in the growing space industry, supporting lunar landers and military applications. 建造工程定于2021年开始,预计到2027年竣工。 Construction is set to start in 2021, with completion expected by 2027. 该设施将促进经济增长,创造高薪就业机会,并加强本区域的STEM教育伙伴关系。 The facility will promote economic growth, create high-paying jobs, and enhance STEM education partnerships in the region.