一名联邦法官以非法行为为由,下令在阿拉巴马州贝塞默州为亚马孙地区工人举行新的工会投票。 A federal judge orders a new union vote for Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, citing illegal practices.
联邦劳动法官下令在阿拉巴马州Bessemer仓库为亚马逊工人举行第三次工会投票。 A federal labor judge has ordered a third unionization vote for Amazon workers at a Bessemer, Alabama warehouse. 2021年的第一次投票导致拒绝加入工会,2022年的第二次投票面临众多投票挑战,结果不明朗。 The first vote in 2021 resulted in a rejection of unionization, and a second vote in 2022 faced numerous ballot challenges, leaving the outcome unclear. 法官发现亚马逊非法没收了工会材料,对选举进程产生了影响。 The judge found that Amazon had illegally confiscated union materials and influenced the election process. 法律审查正在进行,推迟了新投票的时间安排。 Legal reviews are ongoing, delaying the scheduling of the new vote.