11月7日在Mayfield路附近的Kings高速公路发生致命车祸, A fatal crash on Kings Highway near Mayfield Road on November 7 left one dead and another trapped.
11月7日, 在Mayfield路附近的Kings高速公路发生致命的两辆汽车撞车事故, 造成一人死亡, On November 7, a fatal two-vehicle crash on Kings Highway near Mayfield Road resulted in one death and left another person trapped. 在Monaro警方调查这一事件时,这条道路双向关闭。 The road is closed in both directions as Monaro Police investigate the incident. 建议机动车驾驶员避开该地区,考虑其他路线,尽管这些路线不适合B型双人。 Motorists are advised to avoid the area and consider alternative routes, though these are unsuitable for B-doubles. 紧急服务正在作出反应,旅行者应查看新南威尔士州现场交通应用程序或网站的最新情况。 Emergency services are responding, and travelers should check for updates on the Live Traffic NSW app or website.