东华盛顿大学男子篮球队击败西雅图大学93 -86,赢得了Monson教练自2007年以来的首次胜利。 Eastern Washington University men's basketball team beat Seattle University 93-86, earning Coach Monson's first win since 2007.
东华盛顿大学男子篮球队击败了西雅图大学93-86,标志着丹·蒙森教练自2007年以来第一次获胜。 Eastern Washington University’s men's basketball team defeated Seattle University 93-86, marking head coach Dan Monson’s first win since 2007. 安德鲁·库克领先25个点,得到梅森·威廉姆斯(18个点)和塞巴斯蒂安·哈特曼(16个点)的支持。 Andrew Cook led with 25 points, supported by Mason Williams (18 points) and Sebastian Hartmann (16 points). 西雅图的Matthew-Alexander Moncrieffe得分20分。 Seattle’s Matthew-Alexander Moncrieffe scored 20 points. 尽管西雅图的三分球命中率很强,但东华盛顿的整体投篮命中率更高,失误更少。 Despite strong three-point shooting from Seattle, Eastern Washington had a better overall field goal percentage and fewer turnovers. 鹰队接下来将演奏密苏里老虎队 The Eagles will next play the Missouri Tigers.