Dazie Howe,26岁,被判将小狗乔伊饿死并禁止拥有动物。 Dazie Howe, 26, was convicted of starving her puppy Joey to death and banned from owning animals.
Dazie Howe, 26岁,来自英国的Goldsborough, 被判犯有将她8个月的小狗Joey饿死的罪行。 Dazie Howe, 26, from Goldsborough, UK, was found guilty of starving her 8-month-old puppy, Joey, to death. RSPCA在她家外面一个肮脏的箱子里发现了这只死去的狗。 The RSPCA discovered the deceased dog in a filthy crate outside her home. 起初,Howe错误地声称Joey已被安乐死,后来又说小狗因癫痫死亡。 Initially, Howe falsely claimed Joey had been euthanized and later stated the puppy died from a seizure. 调查后,她被无限期禁止拥有动物,并被判处18个月的社区令,强制进行康复活动。 Following the investigation, she was banned from owning animals indefinitely and sentenced to an 18-month community order with mandatory rehabilitation activities.