Christian Combs在联邦起诉他父亲的指控中接管了Diddy的Instagram。 Christian Combs takes over Diddy’s Instagram amid federal indictment allegations against his father.
Christian Combs(称为King Combs)在联邦起诉Diddy的指控中 接管了他的父亲Sean Sean"Diddy"Combs的Instagram。 Christian Combs, known as King Combs, has taken over his father Sean "Diddy" Combs' Instagram amid federal indictment allegations against Diddy. King Combs向近2 000万追随者宣布他的新角色,旨在展示他父亲一生中的积极时刻。 Announcing his new role to nearly 20 million followers, King Combs aims to showcase positive moments from his father's life. 这一决定引发了各式各样的反响, 一些球迷支持他, 其他人则批评账户上分享的内容, The decision has sparked mixed reactions, with some fans supporting him and others criticizing the content shared on the account, regardless of who manages it.