Waterbury父母在婴儿因无人照料的供暖装置严重烧伤后面临指控。 Waterbury parents face charges after their baby suffered severe burns from an unattended heating element.
Waterbury警察逮捕了36岁的Keturah Williams和她51岁的伴侣Damon Martin,因为他们的6个月的婴儿因掉入热电热供暖装置而受到严重烧伤。 Waterbury police arrested Keturah Williams, 36, and her partner Damon Martin, 51, after their 6-month-old baby suffered severe burns from falling onto a hot electric heating element. 儿童无人照顾,被困在墙和床之间。 The child was left unattended and became trapped between the wall and bed. 父母双方都被指控危害和虐待儿童。 Both parents are charged with child endangerment and cruelty. 该婴儿正在康涅狄格州儿童医院接受治疗,该夫妇的另外两个孩子已被置于国家监护之下。 The baby is receiving treatment at Connecticut Children's Hospital, and the couple's two other children have been placed in state custody.