新加坡停止了Allianz和收入保险之间就社会使命影响问题达成的一项协议。 Singapore halted a deal between Allianz and Income Insurance over concerns for social mission impact.
新加坡政府以首相王劳伦斯为首, 停止了德国保险公司Allianz与收入保险之间的交易, 因为担心这项交易的结构及其对收入社会任务的影响。 The Singapore government, led by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, halted a deal between German insurer Allianz and Income Insurance due to concerns over the deal's structure and its impact on Income's social mission. 法务大臣K. Shanmugam澄清说,该决定是根据对《保险法》的一项修正案作出的,并强调政府致力于问责制和合法程序。 Law Minister K. Shanmugam clarified that the decision was based on an amendment to the Insurance Act and emphasized the government's commitment to accountability and lawful processes. 未来的申请将考虑文化、社区和青年部的投入。 Future applications will consider input from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.