戴西·里德利在由马丁·坎贝尔执导的动作惊片"奉献"中扮演海军陆战队指挥官. Daisy Ridley stars as a Marine commander in the action-thriller "Dedication," directed by Martin Campbell.
Daisy Ridley因在星球大战中扮演的角色而出名, 将在Martin Campbell 导演的“献身行动”中亮相。 Daisy Ridley, famous for her role in Star Wars, will star in the action-thriller "Dedication," directed by Martin Campbell. 影片中,Ridley是Billie Jean Parker少校,他是一名海军陆战队指挥官,在菲律宾执行任务后必须面对她的过去,导致平民伤亡。 The film features Ridley as Major Billie Jean Parker, a Marine commander who must confront her past after a mission in the Philippines results in civilian casualties. 当她已故父亲的献身仪式成为被俘的无政府主义领袖的儿子袭击的目标时,帕克必须依靠她的战斗技巧来拯救人质。 When a dedication ceremony for her late father becomes the target of an attack by the son of a captured anarchist leader, Parker must rely on her combat skills to save hostages.