克莱姆森教练Dabo Swinney因与他儿子的选票搞混而面临投票问题。 Clemson coach Dabo Swinney faced voting issues due to a mix-up with his son's ballot.
克莱姆森足球教练Dabo Swinney在被告知他已经投票时遇到投票困难。 Clemson football coach Dabo Swinney encountered voting difficulties when he was told he had already cast his ballot, a mix-up caused by his son Will voting earlier. 在通过完成一次纸面投票来解决这一问题之后,定于星期五举行听证会,以解决混淆问题。 After resolving the issue by completing a paper ballot, a hearing is set for Friday to address the confusion. Swinney仍然对局势持乐观态度,强调公民义务在遭受挫折的情况下仍然很重要。 Swinney remained optimistic about the situation, emphasizing the importance of civic duty despite the setback.