Brian Jack赢得了乔治亚州第三国会区 保持了共和党多数 Brian Jack won Georgia's 3rd Congressional District, maintaining a Republican majority in the state.
Brian Jack, Donald Trump的前助手,赢得了乔治亚州第三国会区的美国众议院的选举,而现任民主党人Sanford Bishop在第二区获得了第17届连任。 Brian Jack, a former aide to Donald Trump, won election to the U.S. House from Georgia's 3rd Congressional District, while incumbent Democrat Sanford Bishop secured his 17th term in the 2nd District. 这保持了共和党的多数,在州议会席位中占9-5席。 This maintained the Republican majority at 9-5 in the state’s congressional seats. 选民还核准了限制增加财产税和免征商业财产的措施。 Voters also approved measures to limit property tax increases and raise exemptions for business property. 选举突出显示,民主人士正在努力挑战格鲁吉亚共和党的支配地位。 The elections highlighted ongoing efforts by Democrats to challenge Republican dominance in Georgia.