华盛顿特区和纽约市的餐厅和酒吧在选举日向选民提供交易。 Restaurants and bars in D.C. and NYC are offering deals to voters on Election Day.
在选举日当天,区和纽约市的许多餐馆和酒吧正向选民提供特殊的食品和饮料交易。 On Election Day, many restaurants and bars in the District and New York City are offering special food and drink deals to voters. 像Cucina Morini和The Sovereign这样的当地景点提供主题尾酒,为"I Voted"贴纸持有者提供折扣,并延长快乐时刻. Local spots like Cucina Morini and The Sovereign feature themed cocktails, discounts for "I Voted" sticker holders, and extended happy hours. 活动包括观察政党和鸡尾酒战,为参与选举进程的人创造节庆气氛。 Events include watch parties and cocktail battles, creating a festive atmosphere for those engaging in the electoral process.