OpenAI正在商谈从非营利模式转向营利模式以吸引投资者。 OpenAI is in talks to shift from a non-profit to a for-profit model to attract investors.
2015年作为非营利机构成立的AI研究实验室OpenAI正与加利福尼亚州总检察长就向营利性结构过渡问题进行初步讨论。 OpenAI, the AI research lab founded as a non-profit in 2015, is in preliminary discussions with California's attorney general about transitioning to a for-profit structure. 这一改变的目的是吸引更多的投资者,同时为非营利实体保留少数股权。 This change aims to attract more investors while retaining a minority stake for the non-profit entity. 继最近一轮66亿美元的融资回合之后,OpenAI的估值可能达到1 570亿美元,成为全球最有价值的私营公司之一。 Following a recent $6.6 billion funding round, OpenAI's valuation could reach $157 billion, positioning it among the most valuable private companies globally.