在乐队 2025 年重聚巡演之前,Oasis 的粉丝平均因门票诈骗而损失 346 英镑。 Oasis fans are losing an average of £346 to ticket scams ahead of the band's 2025 reunion tour.
据劳埃德银行称, 绿洲乐队的粉丝们正面临着大量的门票骗局, 在试图获得乐队2025年重聚巡回演出的门票时, 每个人平均损失346英. Oasis fans are facing significant ticket scams, losing an average of £346 each while trying to secure tickets for the band's 2025 reunion tour, according to Lloyds Bank. 大多数骗局源自伪造的社交媒体广告,特别是针对35至44岁的人。 Most scams originate from fake social media ads, particularly targeting individuals aged 35 to 44. 从10月7日起生效的经授权的催交付款欺诈受害者新偿还规则要求银行偿还损失,除非受害者严重疏忽。 New reimbursement rules for authorised push payment fraud victims, effective from October 7, require banks to reimburse losses unless the victim was grossly negligent.