兰开斯特县选举委员会谴责对一名年轻选民的不实指控, Lancaster County Election Commission condemns false claims against a young voter as a "ballot mule."
内布拉斯加州兰开斯特县选举委员会(Lancaster Country Commission Commission in Nebraska)谴责错误指控, 将一名年轻选民在回信投票后, 标为「球驴」。 The Lancaster County Election Commission in Nebraska has condemned false claims labeling a young voter as a "ballot mule" after he returned his mail-in ballot. 选举专员Todd Wiltgen指出,这些主张具有误导性,并由于网上收到的威胁,对选民的安全表示关切。 Election Commissioner Todd Wiltgen stated the claims are misleading and expressed concern for the voter's safety due to threats received online. 委员会确认该选民在他第一次总统选举中投票时合法行事,敦促收回错误信息并作出道歉。 The commission confirmed the voter acted lawfully while voting in his first presidential election, urging the misinformation to be retracted and an apology issued.