前脸书主持人在爱尔兰起诉Meta, 罪名是图像内容造成的心理伤害。 Former Facebook moderators are suing Meta in Ireland for psychological harm from graphic content.
前Facebook内容主持人在爱尔兰高等法院起诉Meta, 声称因接触图像内容而造成严重心理伤害。 Former Facebook content moderators are suing Meta in the Irish High Court, claiming serious psychological injuries from exposure to graphic content. 在Meta欧洲总部所在地都柏林审理的案件涉及德国CCC Essen Digital GmbH公司的工人。 The cases, heard in Dublin where Meta's European headquarters is located, involve workers from the German company CCC Essen Digital GmbH. 原告辩称,Meta由于控制了他们的工作环境而应负赔偿责任。 The plaintiffs argue Meta is liable due to its control over their work environment. 关于司法管辖问题的全面听证仍有待进行。 A full hearing on jurisdictional issues is still pending.