EasyJet提供全年、每周两次的服务,从布里斯托尔到伊斯坦布尔,从23.99英镑开始。 EasyJet launches a year-round, twice-weekly service from Bristol to Istanbul, starting at £23.99.
EasyJet推出从布里斯托尔机场到伊斯坦布尔的全年、每周两次的服务,星期一和星期五运作。 EasyJet has introduced a year-round, twice-weekly service from Bristol Airport to Istanbul, operating on Mondays and Fridays. 票价从23.99英镑开始,航空公司提供一揽子假期,可灵活预订。 Fares start at £23.99, and the airline offers package holidays with flexible booking options. 这条新路线允许来自英格兰西南的游客访问土耳其最大的城市, This new route allows travelers from the South West of England to visit Turkey's largest city, known for its rich cultural heritage and landmarks. 这次发射是在 " EasyJet " 向阿加迪尔提供服务以及即将通往Tromso的路线之后进行的,反映出对各种旅行选择的需求日益增加。 The launch follows EasyJet's services to Agadir and an upcoming route to Tromso, reflecting growing demand for diverse travel options.