印度支持者正在11月5日选举前为Kamala Harris和Donald Trump祈祷。 Supporters in India are praying for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump ahead of the November 5 election.
在11月5日美国总统选举之前, 印度支持者正在为候选人Kamala Harris和Donald Trump祈祷。 Ahead of the November 5th US Presidential elections, supporters in India are conducting prayers for candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. 在Telangana,为Harris举行了为期11天的仪式,Harris的母亲是印度人,而德里的印度教牧师为Trump祈祷。 In Telangana, an 11-day ritual was held for Harris, whose mother is Indian, while Hindu priests in Delhi prayed for Trump. 在泰米尔纳德邦的Harris祖传村庄的居民也在为她的胜利准备特别祈祷,这反映了他们在竞争性选举中的希望。 Residents of Harris' ancestral village in Tamil Nadu are also preparing special prayers for her victory, reflecting their hopes amid the competitive election.