研究显示三分之一的爱尔兰企业害怕在不断增长的可持续性需求中进行“洗绿”活动。 A study reveals a third of Irish businesses fear "greenwashing" amid rising sustainability demands.
EY的一项研究表明,超过三分之一的爱尔兰企业害怕因不适当地传达其可持续性努力而被指控“洗绿”罪名。 A study by EY shows that over a third of Irish businesses fear being accused of "greenwashing" due to improper communication of their sustainability efforts. 这一关切在两年中几乎增加了三倍,反映出消费者对可持续做法的需求不断上升,从而增加了声誉风险。 This concern has nearly tripled in two years, reflecting growing reputational risks amid rising consumer demand for sustainable practices. 研究显示,81%的企业增加了对可持续性的关注,许多企业考虑合并,以加强它们的努力。 The study indicates that 81% of businesses have increased their sustainability focus, with many considering mergers to enhance their efforts.