Sean Perkins已被任命为NAB的CMO,负责监督即将举行的活动的营销工作。 Sean Perkins has been appointed CMO at NAB, overseeing marketing for upcoming events.
Sean Perkins被任命为国家广播公司协会首席营销干事兼全球联系和活动的高级副主席。 Sean Perkins has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President of Global Connections and Events at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). 他将利用他在各部门30年的经验,包括以前在消费者技术协会中的作用,监督NAB Show和NAB Show New York的营销。 He will oversee marketing for NAB Show and NAB Show New York, leveraging his 30 years of experience in various sectors, including his previous role at the Consumer Technology Association. Perkins旨在提高NAB活动的参与度和能见度,下一次NAB秀定于2025年4月在拉斯维加斯举行。 Perkins aims to enhance engagement and visibility for NAB's events, with the next NAB Show set for April 2025 in Las Vegas.