在新罕布什尔州州长的竞选中,候选人在私立学校的票券和公共教育经费方面存在差异。 In New Hampshire's governor race, candidates differ on private school vouchers and public education funding.
在新罕布什尔州的州长竞选中,公共教育是一个关键问题。 In New Hampshire's gubernatorial race, public education is a critical issue. 民主党候选人Joyce Craig反对扩大私立学校优惠券, 而共和党人Kelly Ayotte则支持取消他们的收入上限。 Democratic candidate Joyce Craig opposes expanding private school vouchers, while Republican Kelly Ayotte supports removing income caps on them. NEA-新罕布什尔州主席梅根·塔特尔 (Megan Tuttle) 警告说,教育券会从公立学校挪用资金,这些学校 90% 以上的学生都在就读。 NEA-New Hampshire president Megan Tuttle warns that vouchers divert funds from public schools, where over 90% of students are enrolled. 两名候选人都力求提高教师工资,但教育政策不同,克雷格计划取代目前的教育专员,即一名代销券的倡导者。 Both candidates aim to improve teacher pay but differ in their education policies, with Craig planning to replace the current education commissioner, a voucher advocate.