Nashville警方在Knolcrest公寓 调查了33岁的Danny House Jr. 的致命枪击案。 Nashville police probe a fatal shooting of 33-year-old Danny House Jr. at Knollcrest Apartments.
Metro Nashville警方正在调查周六晚上在克里克伍德街的Knolcrest公寓发生的一起致命枪击案。 Metro Nashville Police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred at Knollcrest Apartments on Creekwood Drive on Saturday night. Jr. Danny House, Jr., 33, 下午11点左右在接近熟人公寓时被枪杀,后来在Skyline医疗中心死亡。 Danny House Jr., 33, was shot while approaching an acquaintance's apartment around 11 p.m. and later died at Skyline Medical Center. 警方正在探究与毒品有关的潜在动机,并敦促任何知情者在615-742-7463与犯罪阻截者联系,匿名告密者可在那里获得高达5 000美元的奖励。 The police are exploring potential drug-related motives and have urged anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463, where anonymous tips may earn a reward of up to $5,000.