在需求增加和库存减少的情况下,密歇根州天然气价格平均上涨至每加仑3.16美元。 Michigan gas prices rise to an average of $3.16 per gallon amid rising demand and lower stocks.
密歇根州天然气价格上涨了4美分,平均为每加仑3.16美元,虽然比上个月低24美分,比去年低23美分。 Michigan gas prices have risen by 4 cents to an average of $3.16 per gallon, though this is 24 cents lower than last month and 23 cents lower than last year. 底特律大都会的机动车手 每加仑大约付3.17美元 Motorists in Metro Detroit pay about $3.17 per gallon. 一辆15加仑坦克的费用约为47美元,比2023年8月减少11美元。 A 15-gallon tank costs around $47, down $11 from August 2023. 正如AAAA和能源信息管理局所报告的,价格上涨与需求增加和汽油储量下降有关。 The increase in prices is linked to rising demand and falling gasoline stocks, as reported by AAA and the Energy Information Administration.