澳大利亚的delacombe镇中心将于2023年12月启动其发展的第二阶段。 Delacombe Town Centre in Australia will launch stage two of its development in December 2023.
澳大利亚维多利亚州德尔康贝市中心(DTC)将于12月启动其发展的第二阶段,以反叛体育、超级便宜汽车和饥饿杰克等零售商为主,总面积为5 000平方米。 Delacombe Town Centre (DTC) in Victoria, Australia, will launch stage two of its development in December, featuring retailers like Rebel Sports, Supercheap Auto, and Hungry Jacks, with a total area of 5,000 square meters. 第三阶段从2025年初开始,将包括Coles和Aldi超市,预计将与《生物多样性公约》的Ballarat规模相匹配。 Stage three, starting in early 2025, will include supermarkets Coles and Aldi and is projected to match the size of the Ballarat CBD. 预计集水区将在10年内增加到154 800名居民。 The catchment area is expected to grow to 154,800 residents within ten years. 预计2026年复活节完成。 Completion is anticipated by Easter 2026.