Blackpanda与新加坡加空局合作加强网络安全并分享威胁情报。 Blackpanda partners with Singapore's CSA to enhance cybersecurity and share threat intelligence.
Blackpanda是一家数字法证和网络应急反应公司,它通过合作备忘录与新加坡网络安全局(CSA)合作。 Blackpanda, a digital forensics and cyber emergency response company, has partnered with the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) through a Memorandum of Collaboration. 这一伙伴关系的重点是通过分享有关威胁和脆弱性的情报,加强它们对网络事件的联合反应,改善网络安全。 This partnership focuses on improving cybersecurity by sharing intelligence on threats and vulnerabilities, enhancing their joint response to cyber incidents. 通过提供对网络攻击趋势的深入了解,协助制定数据隐私和安全战略,这种合作还将使新加坡企业受益。 The collaboration will also benefit Singaporean businesses by providing insights into cyberattack trends, aiding in data privacy and security strategies.