一名16岁的男孩在爬上一座2000英尺高的电视塔后在爱荷华被捕,几乎倒下。 A 16-year-old boy was arrested in Iowa after climbing a 2000-foot TV tower and nearly falling.
在爱荷华州普利茅斯县,一名16岁男孩于10月24日被捕,原因是他试图在苏城附近爬上一座2000英尺高的电视塔,在当局抵达前达到近1 500英尺。 A 16-year-old boy in Plymouth County, Iowa, was arrested on October 24 for attempting to climb a 2000-foot TV tower near Sioux City, reaching nearly 1500 feet before authorities arrived. KCAU电视暂时停机 帮助救援。 KCAU TV temporarily went off-air to aid in the rescue. 一个摄制组成功地帮助了青少年在下午1点前降落。 A crew successfully helped the teenager descend by 1:00 PM. 这一事件凸显了对安全措施的关切,因为专业登山者为这种攀登使用严格的规程和设备。 The incident highlights concerns about safety measures, as professional climbers employ strict protocols and equipment for such climbs.