Tyler Marsh被任命为芝加哥天空的首席教练 标志着三年来第四名教练 Tyler Marsh is named head coach of the Chicago Sky, marking the team's fourth coach in three years.
前拉斯维加斯A队助理教练 Tyler Marsh 签署了一份多年合同 成为芝加哥Sky队的首席教练 Tyler Marsh, former assistant coach for the Las Vegas Aces, has signed a multi-year contract to become the head coach of the Chicago Sky, marking the team's fourth head coach in three years. Marsh在Aces的背对背锦标赛中发挥了关键作用,并曾与Indiana Pacers和多伦多猛禽等组织有过教练经验。 Marsh played a key role in the Aces' back-to-back championships and has prior coaching experience with the Indiana Pacers and Toronto Raptors, among others. 他面临着重建天空队的挑战,六年来第一次错过季后赛。 He faces the challenge of rebuilding a Sky team that missed the playoffs for the first time in six years.