新加坡关于共产主义领袖墓碑的Docu-drama已被禁止放映。 A Singaporean docu-drama about a communist leader's tombstone has been banned from screening.
Infocomm媒体发展管理局(IMDA)禁止放映一部新加坡Docu-drama影片, 其中提及一个涉及一名共产党领导人墓碑的历史法庭案件。 A Singaporean docu-drama film referencing a historical court case involving a communist leader's tombstone has been banned from screening by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). 国际电影协会援引对国家利益和可能违反法律行为的关切,拒绝在重大电影节举行电影分类首映式之前进行电影分类。 Citing concerns over national interests and potential legal violations, the IMDA refused the film classification ahead of its premiere at a major film festival. 尽管受到挫折, 主任仍乐观地在新加坡推动更具包容性的言论。 Despite the setback, the director remains optimistic about fostering a more inclusive discourse in Singapore.