前总统特朗普会见了Aram I, 支持阿尔扎赫, 并敦促美国支持亚美尼亚的权利。 Former President Trump met with Aram I, supporting Artsakh and urging US backing for Armenian rights.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普与亚拉姆一世宗座交谈,表示支持阿尔扎赫问题和区域和平。 Former President Donald Trump spoke with His Holiness Aram I, expressing support for the Artsakh issue and regional peace. 特朗普赞扬了阿拉姆一世的领导能力和美国的亚美尼亚社区,而阿拉姆一世则敦促美国政府支持亚美尼亚人的权利和自决。 Trump praised Aram I's leadership and the Armenian community in the US, while Aram I urged the US government to support Armenians' rights and self-determination. 美国亚美尼亚全国委员会欢迎选举舞台上以阿尔扎赫为重点,同时参与这两项运动,以坚持对亚美尼亚裔美国人的承诺。 The Armenian National Committee of America welcomed the focus on Artsakh in the electoral arena, engaging with both campaigns to uphold commitments to the Armenian-American community.