EigenLayer的Etheum研究人员因担心潜在的利益冲突而辞职。 Ethereum researchers resigned from EigenLayer over concerns of potential conflicts of interest.
EigenLayer的研究人员由于担心潜在的利益冲突而辞去他们在EigenLayer的角色。 Ethereum researchers have resigned from their roles in EigenLayer due to worries about potential conflicts of interest. 他们认识到,他们的参与似乎会损害公众的信任,导致他们下台,在Etheum社区内保持廉正和透明度。 They recognized that their involvement could appear to compromise public trust, leading them to step down to maintain integrity and transparency within the Ethereum community. 这项决定强调了道德行为在保持利益攸关方之间信任方面的重要性。 This decision highlights the importance of ethical conduct in maintaining confidence among stakeholders.