舞者Carlos Gu和Nancy Xu在严格来跳舞的舞伴任务上 陷入了争斗 Dancers Carlos Gu and Nancy Xu are in a feud over partner assignments on Strictly Come Dancing.
歌舞舞者Carlos Gu与Nancy Xu之间纷争, 导致他们互相躲避, 在社交媒体上互不跟随。 A feud has emerged between Strictly Come Dancing dancers Carlos Gu and Nancy Xu, leading to them avoiding each other and unfollowing one another on social media. 据报告,冲突的起因是Carlos没有在本季接待名人伙伴,而Nancy和Shayne Ward是一对。 The conflict reportedly stems from Carlos not receiving a celebrity partner this season while Nancy was paired with Shayne Ward. 这在片场造成了紧张的气氛,引起了朋友们对卡洛斯健康状况的担忧。 This has created a tense atmosphere on set, raising concerns among friends about Carlos's wellbeing. 英国广播公司被找来征求评论。 The BBC has been approached for comment.