Cherwell地区理事会正在制定一项住房战略,以改善负担得起的住房和社区福祉。 Cherwell District Council is creating a housing strategy to improve affordable housing and community wellbeing.
Cherwell区理事会正在制定一项住房战略,以应对地方住房挑战,并推广可负担得起的住房。 Cherwell District Council is developing a housing strategy to address local housing challenges and promote affordable homes. 该战略将优先与注册提供者和私人房东合作,以维持优质住房,同时力求增进健康和福祉,解决无家可归问题,并培养可持续社区。 The strategy prioritizes collaboration with registered providers and private landlords to maintain quality housing, while also aiming to enhance health and wellbeing, tackle homelessness, and foster sustainable communities. 公众协商将开放至11月28日,预计12月12日将产生结果,邀请社区参与,以形成该倡议。 A public consultation is open until November 28, with results expected on December 12, inviting community input to shape the initiative.