Anthony James Atkins, 36岁,在北爱尔兰的路上躺着时被汽车撞死。 Anthony James Atkins, 36, died after being hit by a car while lying in the road in Northern Ireland.
来自英国的36岁男子Anthony James Atkins, Anthony James Atkins, 在11月1日午夜过后不久躺在北爱尔兰Crossmaglen的公路上被汽车撞死后死亡。 Anthony James Atkins, a 36-year-old man originally from England, died after being struck by a car while lying in the roadway in Crossmaglen, Northern Ireland, shortly after midnight on November 1. 司机仍留在现场,正与调查人员合作。 The driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with investigators. 警方正在呼吁证人或任何有破碎摄像头录像的人 与碰撞调查组联系 Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with dash-cam footage to contact the Collision Investigation Unit. 地方慈善机构"更多的东西为你"对阿特金斯的去世表示哀悼. Local charity Something More For You expressed their sorrow at Atkins' passing.