YouTube明星Beast先生在调查发现工作场所骚扰问题后 解雇了5到10名员工 YouTube star MrBeast fires 5 to 10 employees after a probe reveals workplace harassment issues.
YouTube的创造者Jimmy Donaldson, 被称为MrBeast, 在他的生产公司工作场所文化调查后解雇了5至10名员工。 YouTube creator Jimmy Donaldson, known as MrBeast, has fired 5 to 10 employees after an investigation into his production company's workplace culture. 调查由Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan进行,没有发现性行为不端或故意雇用背景有问题的人的证据,但确实发现了工作场所骚扰事件。 Conducted by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, the probe found no evidence of sexual misconduct or knowingly hiring individuals with problematic backgrounds, but did uncover instances of workplace harassment. 该公司目前正在执行新的政策和培训,以改善其工作环境。 The company is now implementing new policies and training to improve its work environment.