巴基斯坦KP政府已与M/S Netracon签订合同, 为80亿卢比建造一条40公里长的电力线。 Pakistan's KP government has contracted M/S Netracon to build a 40-km power line for Rs8 billion.
巴基斯坦开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)政府与M/S Netracon Technology Ltd. 签署了一项协议,将建造一条从Matiltan到Madyan的40公里长的输电线,耗资80亿卢比。 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government in Pakistan has signed a deal with M/S Netracon Technologies Ltd. to build a 40-kilometer power transmission line from Matiltan to Madyan at a cost of Rs8 billion. 预计18个月后完成,该线路将把84兆瓦水电项目与全国电网和地方工业连接起来,每年为该省创造约70亿卢比。 Expected to be completed in 18 months, the line will connect the 84 MW Matiltan Hydropower Project to the national grid and local industries, generating about Rs7 billion annually for the province. 第二阶段将把该线延伸至Chakdara。 A second phase will extend the line to Chakdara.