全国收养日当天,俄亥俄州汉密尔顿县有6个家庭收养了10名儿童。 On National Adoption Day, ten children were adopted by six families in Hamilton County, Ohio.
在全国收养日,10名儿童在汉密尔顿县找到有6个家庭的永久性家庭,在拉尔夫·温克勒法官主持的一次法庭活动上庆祝。 On National Adoption Day, ten children found permanent homes with six families in Hamilton County, celebrated in a court event led by Judge Ralph Winkler. 在Montgomery县,约有100名儿童需要家庭,这突显了寄养照料方面持续存在的挑战。 In Montgomery County, around 100 children are in need of homes, highlighting the ongoing foster care challenges. 该日旨在提高人们对收养过程的认识,并鼓励家庭考虑收养。 The day aims to raise awareness about the adoption process and encourage families to consider adopting. 可在MCOHIO.org上为有兴趣促进或收养的人提供资源。 Resources are available on MCOHIO.org for those interested in fostering or adopting.