Nathan Dunn,22岁,据报失踪;警方在搜查过程中在A179附近发现一具尸体。 Nathan Dunn, 22, was reported missing; police found a body near A179 during the search.
Nathan Dunn, 22岁,来自Hartlepool, 11月1日最后一次被人看见后,据报失踪。 Nathan Dunn, a 22-year-old from Hartlepool, was reported missing after being last seen on November 1. 当天晚些时候,警察在A179号公路附近的林地搜寻时发现了一具尸体。 Later that day, police discovered a body in woodland near the A179 during their search efforts. 虽然尚未正式确认身份,但Dunn的家人已接到通知,并得到克利夫兰警方的支持,警方在这一困难时刻表示哀悼。 While formal identification has not yet taken place, Dunn's family has been notified and is receiving support from Cleveland Police, who have expressed their condolences during this difficult time.