由于运输损坏,泰勒·斯威夫特的一个活的蛋糕从伯明翰展出时被取走。 A life-sized cake of Taylor Swift was withdrawn from a Birmingham show due to transport damage.
艺术家Elza Baldzhiyska为Birmingham国际蛋糕展而制作的泰勒·斯威夫特活人蛋糕因运输过程中的损坏而撤回。 A life-sized cake of Taylor Swift, created by artist Elza Baldzhiyska for the Cake International show in Birmingham, was withdrawn due to damage during transportation. 蛋糕在Swift的Eras Tour服装的启发下, 失去了双手,弯下膝盖。 The cake, inspired by Swift's Eras Tour outfit, arrived missing its hands and bent at the knees. 活动庆祝30周年, 展出各种蛋糕展示、现场示威及工作坊。 The event, celebrating its 30th anniversary, features various cake displays, live demonstrations, and workshops. 其他值得注意的创举 包括毕生规模的Elizabeth女王I蛋糕 和七英尺长的生日蛋糕 Other notable creations include a life-sized Queen Elizabeth I cake and a seven-foot-tall birthday cake.