联邦上诉法院维持了因虐待而接管密西西比州雷蒙德拘留中心的裁决。 A federal appeals court upheld the takeover of Mississippi's Raymond Detention Center due to abuses.
联邦上诉法院维持了对密西西比州Hinds县Raymond拘留中心的接管,原因是目前存在违宪条件,包括袭击和死亡。 A federal appeals court has upheld the takeover of the Raymond Detention Center in Hinds County, Mississippi, due to ongoing unconstitutional conditions, including assaults and deaths. 但是,法院通过取消联邦接收人对监狱预算的权力,指示重新评估其范围,从而限制了联邦接收人的权力。 However, the court has limited the federal receiver's power by removing their authority over the jail's budget, instructing a reevaluation of their scope. 这一决定是继2022年一项裁决之后作出的,该裁决指出该设施存在严重缺陷,在2021年导致7人死亡。 This decision follows a 2022 ruling citing severe deficiencies at the facility, which resulted in seven deaths in 2021.