一个虚假的炸弹威胁推迟了Gonda站的Bihar Sampark Kranti快车,造成恐慌。 A false bomb threat delayed the Bihar Sampark Kranti Express at Gonda station, causing panic.
假炸弹威胁暂时使北方邦Gonda站的Bihar Sampark Kranti Express火车停下,造成乘客恐慌。 A false bomb threat temporarily halted the Bihar Sampark Kranti Express train at Gonda station in Uttar Pradesh, causing panic among passengers. 包括政府铁路警察和铁路保护部队在内的安全小组对从Darbhanga前往新德里的火车进行了广泛搜查。 The train, traveling from Darbhanga to New Delhi, was searched extensively by security teams, including the Government Railway Police and Railway Protection Force. 大约两个小时后,它被清理完毕,并获准继续其行程。 After approximately two hours, it was cleared and allowed to continue its journey. 目前正在进行调查,查明骗局的来源。 Investigations are underway to identify the source of the hoax.