克利夫兰-克利夫兰公司完成了34亿美元的Steleco控股公司收购,以促进钢铁生产。 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. completes $3.4 billion acquisition of Stelco Holdings to boost steel production.
克利夫兰-克利夫兰公司完成了34亿美元的加拿大钢铁制造商Stelco控股公司收购工作,加强了其作为北美主要平板钢铁生产商的地位。 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. has finalized its $3.4 billion acquisition of Canadian steelmaker Stelco Holdings Inc., enhancing its position as a leading flat-rolled steel producer in North America. 这笔交易需要维持Stelco在汉密尔顿的总部,并遵守现有的劳动协议。 The deal requires maintaining Stelco's headquarters in Hamilton and honoring existing labor agreements. Stelco将作为独资子公司运作,同时扩大克利夫兰-克利夫兰的市场存在和劳动力队伍,其中包括大约1 800名工会雇员。 Stelco will operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary while expanding Cleveland-Cliffs' market presence and workforce, which includes about 1,800 union employees.