缅因州的一个孩子在里瑟的杯子里 发现了一把剃刀片 同时也在耍花招或捣乱 引发了调查 A child in Maine found a razor blade in a Reese's cup while trick-or-treating, prompting an investigation.
缅因州沃特伯罗湖的一名儿童在玩"花生杯"时发现了剃须刀的刀片. A child in Lake Arrowhead, Waterboro, Maine, found a razor blade in a Reese's peanut butter cup while trick-or-treating. 约克郡治安官办公室正在调查这一事件,并且建议父母彻底检查他们孩子的万圣节糖果是否有任何篡改的迹象。 The York County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident and advises parents to thoroughly check their children's Halloween candy for any signs of tampering. 糖果中剃刀的照片已经分享,但没有公布进一步的细节。 Photos of the razor in the candy have been shared, but no further details have been released.