Olson主教建议天主教徒避免与SSPX牧师一起弥撒, Bishop Olson advises Catholics to avoid Mass with SSPX priests, urging attendance at approved parishes.
得克萨斯州Worth堡的Michael Olson主教说,如果还有其他选择,天主教徒不应参加弥撒,也不应接受圣皮乌斯X协会(SSPX)牧师的圣礼。 Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, stated that Catholics should not attend Mass or receive sacraments from priests of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) if other options are available. 他承认SSPX牧师管理着有效的圣餐,但强调他们这样做是非法的,并劝告他们不要与该团体结盟。 While acknowledging SSPX priests administer valid sacraments, he emphasized they do so illicitly and advised against aligning with the group. 他鼓励那些寻求传统的拉丁弥撒的人参加圣彼得神父兄弟会管理的教区。 He encouraged attending parishes run by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for those seeking traditional Latin Mass.