报告显示,85%的加纳人支持免费高中,但79%反对电子高中。 A report shows 85% of Ghanaians support Free Senior High School, but 79% oppose the e-levy.
一份非洲晴雨表报告显示,85%的加纳人支持继续推行免费高中政策以及其他民众倡议。 An Afrobarometer report reveals that 85% of Ghanaians support the continuation of the Free Senior High School policy, alongside other popular initiatives. 然而,79%反对电子交易征税。 However, 79% oppose the electronic transactions levy. 失业(41%)是首要关注问题,其次是基础设施(38%)和医疗保健(33%)。 Unemployment (41%) is the top concern, followed by infrastructure (38%) and healthcare (33%). 此外,82%的受访者报告说在过去一年里经历了贫穷,这突显了国家面临的重大经济挑战。 Additionally, 82% of respondents reported experiencing poverty in the past year, highlighting significant economic challenges facing the nation.