房地产开发商Anita Lallian用855万美元 买了Matthew Perry的洛杉矶住宅 以纪念他 Real estate developer Anita Lallian bought Matthew Perry's LA home for $8.55 million to honor him.
房地产开发商Anita Lallian以855万美元购买了Matthew Perry以前在洛杉矶的家。 Real estate developer Anita Lallian has purchased Matthew Perry's former home in Los Angeles for $8.55 million. 她打算向已故的"朋友"演员致敬, 将蝙蝠侠的标志保存在游泳池中, 并举行印度教祝福仪式。 She plans to honor the late "Friends" actor by preserving elements like the Batman logo in the pool and conducting a Hindu blessing ceremony. Lallian强调她热爱财产本身,而不是以前的财产所有人,并强调保持与Perry生命相关的积极能量的重要性。 Lallian emphasized her love for the property itself, rather than its previous owner, and highlighted the importance of maintaining the positive energy associated with Perry's life.