Muhammad Bilal在法庭上供认杀害4名家庭成员,牵连到他的朋友Shahzad。 Muhammad Bilal confessed in court to killing four family members, implicating his friend Shahzad.
Muhammad Bilal是卡拉奇四重杀人案的主要嫌疑人,他在法庭上供认在朋友Shahzad的压力下杀害他的母亲、姐姐、嫂子和侄女。 Muhammad Bilal, the main suspect in a Karachi quadruple homicide, confessed in court to murdering his mother, sister, sister-in-law, and niece under pressure from his friend Shahzad. 两人均被逮捕,Bilal详细说明了罪行,并导致警察前往现场和取证。 Both were arrested, with Bilal detailing the crime and leading police to the scene and evidence. 他们根据第302条(预谋谋杀)和第34条(共同意图)面临指控。 They face charges under sections 302 (premeditated murder) and 34 (common intention). 该案件在巴格达警察局登记。 The case is registered at the Baghdadi police station.