一名4个月大的婴儿在穿越Stony Point路时在弗吉尼亚被一辆汽车撞死。 A 4-month-old baby died after being hit by a car in Virginia while crossing Stony Point Road.
在Virginia, 一名4个月大的婴儿在10月24日穿越Stony Point路时被一辆车撞死。 A 4-month-old baby in Virginia has died after being struck by a car on October 24 while crossing Stony Point Road. 婴儿与一名1岁、一名3岁和一名38岁的妇女一起受重伤。 The baby, along with a 1-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a 38-year-old woman, sustained serious injuries. 所有人都被送往医院,有些病情危急。 All were taken to hospitals, with some in critical condition. 司机留在现场,未受伤害。 The driver remained at the scene and was unharmed. Albemarle县警察局正在调查和寻找该事件的证人。 The Albemarle County Police Department is investigating and seeking witnesses to the incident.