Inverness Courier的“建设过道”运动赢得了解决当地交通问题的奖项。 The Inverness Courier's 'Build The Bypass' campaign won an award for tackling local traffic issues.
因弗内斯信使的“Build The Bypass”活动因其在解决奈恩的交通拥堵、道路安全和污染方面所做的努力而获得了新闻媒体协会的 Making a Difference 奖。 The Inverness Courier's 'Build The Bypass' campaign has received the News Media Association's Making a Difference Award for its efforts to address traffic congestion, road safety, and pollution in Nairn. 这标志着该报连续第二年赢得这一奖项,表明它致力于提高公众对地方重大问题的认识。 This marks the second consecutive year the newspaper has won this award, showcasing its commitment to raising public awareness on critical local issues. 该运动包括访谈和公开活动,让社区和利益攸关方参与进来。 The campaign has involved interviews and public events to engage the community and stakeholders.