55 岁的韦恩·瓦克 (Wayne Wacker) 在差点撞上卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 的车队后面临鲁莽的安全指控,他在 I-94 上以 .252 BAC 逆向行驶。 55-year-old Wayne Wacker faced reckless safety charges after nearly hitting Kamala Harris' motorcade, driving wrong way on I-94 with a .252 BAC.
55 岁的韦恩·瓦克 (Wayne Wacker) 于 10 月 30 日出庭,此前他在 I-94 上开错了路,并于 10 月 22 日差点与副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 的车队相撞。 Wayne Wacker, 55, appeared in court on October 30 after driving the wrong way on I-94 and nearly colliding with Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade on October 22. 他面临着二级危及安全的指控. He faces charges of second-degree recklessly endangering safety. Wacker的血液酒精含量为252,大大超过法定限度。 Wacker's blood alcohol content was .252, significantly above the legal limit. 他声称对这一事件没有记忆,以15 000美元的保证金释放,要求他戴酒精监测手镯。 He claims no memory of the incident and was released on a $15,000 bond, required to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet.